Our company was established in 2003 by Mr. Attila Karsai, who still owns 100% of shares.
From the year 2003 we became the exclusive representative partner of Tecan AG, Switzerland thanks to Mr. Karsai has 25 years experience on the lab automation field. Since then nearly 20 customized Freedom EVO pipetting system were installed in Hungary. All of them are maintained by the company based on service contracts with the our big pharma and diagnostic partners all around Hungary.
We always keep ourselves to our philosophy :
We are not just selling a system but we are selling solutions, with real support to our customers, who trust our support, thanks to our 15 years reputation.
As a strenght we have the biggest expertise in Hungary to customize the automation to every of our customer’s needs together with keep focusing on our after sales support activity, close follow-up with all of our existing customers. Thanks to this philosophy 99% of our customers are loyal to us and stays with Tecan brand once they decided to invest in lab automation. This allowed us to establish long-term and deep cooperations, where we clearly see our customer every day requirements.
In 2010, Microtrade was between the first companies who started to work with automated 2D sample storage and recognition and its integration in lab automation tecan platforms. Since the beginning of 2010 we work with Micronic, Netherlands on this area, another first class manufacturer. Nowadays we succesfully installed several sample management systems around Hungary and continously improving our inhouse expertise with cooperating the development of Labcollector database software and our own Android based sample managment device.
Thanks to our wide pharma and life science customer base, in 2010 we decided to enlarge the company product portfolio in synergie with our existing expertises. We strongly believe in cell biology future potential and the exponential growth of molecular biology, so we began to extend our portfolio according to this.
During the past years we succesfully acquisited the exclusive representative rights of several state of art companies like Dojindo, Japan (biochemical reagent and kits), Nanoentek, South-Korea (Digital cell imaging system), Cellbiolab USA (cell biological biochemistry kits), Platypus Technology (USA, 2D, 3D cell growth biology).
Our turnover is growing dynamically year-by-year since the beginning. We are committed to keep this tendency so we invent most of our income to improve our facilities, our emplyees.
Last year we upgraded our stock to a new 200 m2 facility where we set-up our service area for maintaining our instrumentation.
The company has 5 highly educated and motivated employees - 3 of them works in sales, 2 of them in service and maintanance. All of them has MSc degree or PhD.
Address:1191. Budapest, Corvin krt. 7-13., Hungary
phone: +36309044774
web: www.microtrade.hu
email: info@microtrade.hu